
playing with flash and multiple exposures on a recent(ish) camping adventure. epic spot!


Thomas got a new Sealegged board the other day and he was absolutely frothing!! Azza prettied it up for him with some nice fabric inlays, and was even kind enough to throw in a copy of "The Young Sportman's Guide to Surfing" to help him out.  Maybe it will teach him a few things about snaking and dropping in...

Heres a little look at something these two fellows put together recently. Yew!!

german pinhole

Tried a few different things with my pinhole cameras recently.  Had a few rolls not turn out at all, but this one I was pretty stoked with.  Most of these shots are taken in Berlin at the East Side Gallery and Nuremberg Gate.

look back

maybe i should get one more??


I enjoy the wait between waves on peaceful days like this. Such a nice feeling to just float around all alone. 


I love the ocean. These three gentlemen here showing us how they like to enjoy it, and put on a bit of a display for the ladies!!

shake the dust

A few random shots from Shake The Dust, a writing lab exhibition that was on last week. It had wine, fairy bread and some awesome written works, images and readings. Great night!!